Effect of Providing Pharmaceutical Care in Diabetes Control | 3389

Jornal de biologia e mundo de hoje

ISSN - 2322-3308


Effect of Providing Pharmaceutical Care in Diabetes Control

Amir Rashidi, Samira Naghavi, Simin Mashayekhi

"Diabetes is a chronic disease occurred due to impaired insulin production and body function. It is highly neces-sary to control diabetes to achieve a proper mechanism in body that the care should be correct and drive the pa-tient to improve. The study is aimed to determine the role of providing pharmaceutical cares by pharmacologist in controlling blood sugar of diabetic patients. The study was randomized clinical trial. Population of the study was non-hospitalized diabetic patients in the age range of 20-80 years, and pregnant women didn’t include in the study. Randomly sampling of screened patients was conducted in Tabriz medical center of Shahid Balapour and health center of Maragheh. Patients were divided into two groups of control and intervention, which were considered 100 patients for each group according to similar conducted studies. Questionnaire was designed and demographic information and tests of patients was recorded. Information was statistically analyzed using SPSS software, T-test tests and Chi-Square. FBS average had a significant decrease in intervention group (p<0.0001), while it had a meaningful increase in control group (p=0.045). HbA1c mean had a significant de-crease in intervention group (p< 0.0001), while increased in control group, but it was not a significant increase (p=0.578). Pharmaceutical cares and pharmacologist consultations can have an effective role to control diabetic parameters of patients. Establishing pharmaceutical care system and following the process of patients’ treatment can be effective to achieve the goals and reducing the costs of treatment."